Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Your First 2 Weeks


Wow did your first few weeks just fly by!  I suppose it's because we've all been so busy.  The day after we got you home from the hospital I had to write a ten page paper.  It was actually the highest grade I've received on a grad school paper so I guess you're my good luck charm!  The next 10 days were filled with three finals and some visitors.  Grandma and Grandpa from Illinois came to visit and they absolutely loved you.  Grandma had a hard time even putting you down.  Mom and Austin also started back to school so the house has been a little crazy.

We have been so blessed with our schedule.  I just started a month-long break from school so I get to spend tons of time with you!  Even when my next quarter starts, mom and I will alternate days so one of us will always be home to take care of you.  I couldn't have asked for better timing.

It's hard to believe how fast you're growing and already starting to change.  At your two week appointment you weighed in at just over 8 pounds.  You're also starting to stay awake more with is both fun and exhausting.  You like to stay awake at night so we're going to have to work on that!

It's amazing how much I've changed since you've come into our lives.  As a new dad, I just see the world differently.  I'm so much happier and more calm.  I really take joy in the little things.  I could spend hours (and I often do) just looking at you while you sleep.  I love all your little facial expressions: the smiles when I think you're having a good dream, your gigantic yawns with your big cheeks, your determined look when you're trying to go to the bathroom... they're all so priceless.

I just got a book this week that I'm so excited about.  It's called Your Baby in Pictures: The New Parents' Guide to Photographing Your Baby's First Year.  Needless to say I read it cover to cover in a day and am practicing all the awesome shots any chance I get!  You'll certainly learn as you grow up that my camera is an extension of me.  There's nothing I love more than being able to share all your little moments with our friends and family.  Here's just a few of those moments from your first two weeks.

This is my favorite pictures of you.  You're beautiful :)
And this is mom's favorite.  Oooooohhhh!
But this one is definitely going in my office!
Andrea, thanks so much for making Michelle's return home from the hospital so special!

More range of emotions in 5 minutes than most people have in day!

You're resting peacefully in Grandpa Steve's arms :)

Look our for those cheeks!  You're definitely a Schuldt with those things but don't worry, they don't stay big forever  ;)
 Every day is another blessing.  Love you always,


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