Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Black & White Just Feels Right

Gracie (That's what Grandma Deb calls you!),

I am have dying to write you again!  I'm sorry it has taken nearly two weeks but we have all been sooo busy lately.  I finally had some downtime tonight and editing your pictures and writing this blog entry (and others to follow) were the first things on my mind.  

It's hard to believe, but you're a month old already!  The time has really flown by so quickly.  Of course I've thought of tons of things I want to share with you but I probably won't even remember half of them.  Oh well, here goes...

You had a rough time about 10 days ago.  For two days and nights straight all you did was cry.  Mom and I felt horrible as there was nothing we could do to console you.  We took you to the pediatrician and found out you had thrush :(  Ever since we've been giving you medicine four times a day, which you actually like (it's banana flavored so I bet it's pretty tasty!).  Mom has to take medicine too so that stinks.  Luckily, you turned right around and your back to your happy ways.  

Last week I had a little emotional moment.  Just so you know, and I'm sure you can tell, I'm definitely more sensitive than most guys and I'm not afraid to admit it.  I was going to get you dressed into my favorite onesie and it didn't fit!  It really kind of hit me that even though you're so new, you're already growing up and getting bigger.  It's insane how fast you're changing.  I try to get all the pictures I can to remember the moments that seem to slip through my fingertips.  I must say, my pictures don't do you justice.  You really are a beautiful baby girl.  

As I mentioned, the last few weeks have been crazy for us.  Mom is back in school full time, which is rough.  I know she hates being away from you and she misses you terribly, even though it's only two full days a week.  Austin is in school too and busy with soccer two times a week.  I've been doing tons of reading, research and experiments for my thesis.  I've pretty much read 6 or more hours a day for the last 10+ days.  To top it all off, Dash has been sick too and mom and I have colds!  He had some nasty accidents which forced me to clean the carpets (I'll leave it at that) a couple days ago.  

Days with you are so much fun.  I've mastered getting you to sleep which makes me feel so great.  I think I have the touch :)  I swaddle you extra tight like you're in a straitjacket and then I hold you to my chest.  I always wrap my left are under your butt to almost put you in a seated position and I keep my right hand on your head, holding you close.  I swear, you go from screaming to passed out almost every time.  You're starting to smile more, which totally melts my heart.  You really seem to like Eskimo kisses or smooches on the neck.  Overall, I have to say, I think you're pretty great :)  

I read in the baby photography book that black & white is apparently the way to go.  I don't always agree but I thought I'd really try to focus on it with these pictures.  In the end, like the title says, black & white just felt right!  I'm going to go hold you for a bit and then write the next post!  Love you baby girl!


Mom thought you looked like you were ready to box
I don't think you like having your neck cleaned
This picture cracks me up!  I like your 'do! 
Hungry girl.  Mom always sings, "Pork chop sandwiches, pork chop sandwiches" when you're hungry.  I think she's just jealous of the Schuldt cheeks :) 

Yes, that is your foot.  Yoga, anyone?!  

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