Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Family Pictures!

Baby girl,

It's hard to believe another week has passed.  Tomorrow you'll be three weeks old and I have no idea where the time has gone.  I can't believe how much you're changing every single day.  It makes me want to keep my camera out and just take pictures constantly for fear I'll miss something!  

The last week has been filled with all kinds of excitement.  Grandma Dorothea came to visit from South Carolina last weekend.  Her trip was really exciting because she got to see you and where we live for the first time.  She was also a huge help to mom because she's a nurse and has tons of experience working with babies just like you.  She gave us lots of good pointers and tips to help keep you comfortable and happy.  

You also got to go to see your big brother, Austin, play two soccer games!  Okay, so you didn't really pay much attention, but I could tell you really wanted to cheer his team on.  

I absolutely love all the time I get to spend with you.  I watch you on Tuesdays and Thursdays while mom is at school.  My favorite part of our day is getting you in the stroller to walk to Austin's bus stop before and after school.  We take Dash too so it's a little family outing.  

We were finally able to get some pictures of the family thanks to Grandma.  We took you out in the front yard as the sun was setting and you really seemed to enjoy it.  

Well, I better wrap this up so I can get back to holding you!  My job is to keep you up and active for a few hours before bed in hopes you'll sleep more through the night... fingers crossed!  I love you baby girl, enjoy the pictures :)


1 comment:

  1. This is my new favorite picture, sweet dreams missy!
