Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Your First Bath!


Mom and I gave you your first bath on Sunday.  It was so much fun!  Just like with most about everything, you were an angel.  Seriously, you really seemed to enjoy yourself and barely cried at all.  I don't think I've ever met or even heard of a baby as happy as you.  

The bath was so much fun and you were so cute!  There was also a totally hilarious moment and something I'm going to have to remember to embarrass you with when you're older.  The bath was all done and mom had wrapped you up in your cute little crab towel.  You and mom posed for a couple pictures and then you totally pooped in the towel.  It was a bit of a blowout, not going to lie.  I couldn't stop laughing.  That seems to be how you work though.  You must like to be naked because it seems like every time we change your diaper you poop again 5 minutes later!  For now it's funny and cute... keep it up much longer and we might have a problem :)  

Here's the pictures of the monumental event.  I love you baby girl.


So nice I had to show it twice

I love the look on your face... so sweet and just loving mommy

1 comment:

  1. Such fabulous pics!!! Emma is beautiful, her cheeks are extreeeeeemely munchable. All such wonderful first moments to celebrate, enjoy all the many more. :)a&b
