Wednesday, August 3, 2011

From the Moment I First Saw You

Emma Grace,

I'm counting down the days till I get to hold you for the very first time.  I'm so excited to finally meet my baby girl! Your birth is something I have been waiting for my entire life.  Let me share a little story...

When I was a kid, in grade school, my teacher asked us all to complete an assignment.  We had to write all about what we wanted to be when we grew up.  Most of my classmates wrote all about the things most kids dream of - being an astronaut, a professional basketball player, a doctor, etc.  My mom kept what I wrote and it went something like this...

I wrote that more than anything, I wanted to be a husband and a dad.  I didn't care about what my job would be because I knew my job at home would be so much more important.  I longed for a family.

God has blessed me with your mom, Michelle, and your brother, Austin, but our family won't be complete until you get here.  From the moment I found out mom was pregnant I was praying for a little girl and God answered my prayers.  This picture is the first of thousands I will have of you.

This blog is my gift to you.  In it, I hope to share myself with you.  I hope that in it, you'll see my love for you and our family and that it will be something you cherish and remember when you're a mom someday.  I can't wait to get things started but there's only one thing standing in the way.  You need to get here!  Until then, I'll be patiently but eagerly waiting.  Love always,


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