Sunday, October 30, 2011

Who Says I'm Too Young for Candy?!


Wow it's been a busy couple of weeks!  I feel like a broken record over here but it's true.  It's hard to believe you're two months old already!  Things are going well at home.  You still have thrush, which stinks.  Mom and I are busy with school.  Austin just finished his soccer season on Saturday.

I took you in for your two month checkup a couple days ago.  You weighed in at 11lb 9 oz and you were 23 inches long.  You were so great at the doctor even though we had to get you undressed and you were poked and prodded quite a bit.  We didn't get you any shots though.  I've been trying to do some research to see if we should hold off on them.

You're continuing to change every day.  You really love sitting up now and you love to just hang out with us.  You've started making tons of noise ... it's adorable!  You can hold your head up now but it's still a little wobbly.  You're like our own little bobblehead doll :)  I took a video on my phone tonight and posted it to Facebook.  You were making the cutest cooing sounds.  Sleep is still an issue.  We recently tried getting you to sleep in your crib but it's not working out so well.  You really just love being in the bassinet, close to our sides.  I think it comforts you to hear us sleeping.  You typically don't fall asleep until around midnight and there's at least two wake ups each night.

Dash hasn't been feeling so well lately.  Mom took him to the vet today and it turns out that he has a yeast infection in his ear.  He's been scratching a lot and it's really sensitive so we had to get him a cone!  I'll have to take a picture to post for you; it's pretty funny.

Austin really loves hanging out with you.  I think he's loving you more every day.  He's been great about getting you a bottle, burping you and rocking you in your bouncy chair if you're crying.  He always talks about how he can't wait for you to grow up so you can cheer for him at his soccer games.

I wish I had more time to write you and to take pictures.  Things have been so crazy around here lately and they'll probably stay that way until March.  The good news is that I finish my CASA training tomorrow.  I think I'm going to have to testify before the judge as part of my training... I'm a little nervous.

I have more pictures of you that I need to edit but I wanted to write you while I had a few minutes.  Here's some pictures I took on Saturday.  Mom and I took you and Austin to my school on Friday for trick-or-treating.  Austin went as the red Power Ranger.  We decided to let you hold some candy and I really think you were enjoying it.  Here's a couple of the pictures.  Love you sweetie,


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