Saturday, October 15, 2011

7 Weeks


Sorry it has taken me so long to write again.  Learning to thrive under our new life schedule has been a challenge for me.  I have so much to say - I hope you don't get bored with this one.

You're now 7 weeks old!  You're getting so much bigger and really starting to get a personality.  You started smiling socially last week and it really changed my world.  As I've told you at least one other time, I'm more emotional than most guys, I think.  Surprisingly, even to me, I hadn't cried a single time since you were born, until last week.  When you were born, I was more in awe than anything.  I loved you from the moment I saw you but I really think I was just in shock.  As much as I loved holding you and spending time with you, the fact that you were mine and exactly what that meant didn't hit me until you smiled at me, and really meant it, for the first time.  I was laying with you on the floor in the living room last week and you were in such a great mood.  I was up close to your face, giving you lots of kisses and talking to you a lot.  Out of nowhere you just started smiling this huge, gum-filled, wide-open smile that absolutely melted my heart.  It was one of the most precious and joyous moments of my entire life.  As happy as your increased social awareness has made me, the last couple of weeks have been a challenge, to say the least.  

To quote Maroon 5, out of context, "It's not always rainbows and butterflies."  I have found that that statement is so true when it comes to raising a newborn.  As your dad I've experienced some of the highest highs and lowest lows of my life.  When you smile at me, I couldn't be happier.  I really couldn't.  There's just something about that look in your eye and the way you smell that makes all my worries and concerns disappear.  Unfortunately, there's been a lot of lows for me the last few weeks as well.  As the baby high has worn off to some degree and the lack of sleep has sunk in, there have been many difficult moments.  You still have thrush, which you've had for about a month now.  Your stomach has also really been hurting you and it's made you really gassy.  As a result, you've often been a crying machine.  I watched you four days last week and it was rough.  If you were awake, you were likely screaming in my face.  The only thing that has really helped soothe you is walking in the Ergo.  Thank God for that thing.  You seem to be getting better thanks to some gentian violet.  That stuff is hilarious!  I need to take a picture because when we give you the medicine, your entire face turns purple!  

I've been really busy recently.  I am currently going through training to be a Guardian ad Litem, which is someone who volunteers to be an advocate for abused and neglected children.  As a new dad, some of the things I'm going to have to deal with and the things we discuss in training make me sick!  I'm honored and blessed to be able to be in a position to help kids in our community.  You're arrival was definitely a huge motivator in pursuing this opportunity.  

Despite the challenges and difficultly we've had the last few weeks, I still couldn't be happier.  I'm so blessed to have you in my life and I thank God for you each and every day.  As you approach two months of age, I'm getting so excited to see how you'll change in the upcoming weeks and months.  Earlier today, I caught myself thinking about how you'll be crawling soon.  I know I need to forget about those things and just enjoy the time we still have with our tiny new baby.  I must say, I'm always thrilled to take you out of the house or to have visitors.  You get tons of attention and lots of compliments.  Everyone says you look just like me, but Grandma says she sees mom in you more and more each day.  I guess we'll see as time goes by. 

Well, I guess I'll wrap things up now.  Oh, you're currently sleeping in your swing but I just heard you fart about 5 times.  I think I might be changing a diaper soon!  Better get one ready!  Love you so much baby girl; enjoy the updated pictures.  


Sleeping like, well, a baby
Hanging out with mom and the kitchen table while she studies

I love your expression... not really sure what's going on
What's up, monkey!
My angel


  1. Emmalyn,
    Hey sweet baby! Dads asked me a few times when was I going to post a comment..after reading his touching posts I was not sure if the few simple words I came up with would be good enough. I thought I would give it a try anyways! :)
    Well your 7weeks old and your such a great blessing to me. Your brother Austin LOVES to hold you, feed you, and read to you (well sort of.. he cant really read but he makes up stories to go with the pictures in a book!) Austin loves everything about you until you spit up! "umm mom can you take her now!!!" He loves you sooo much! :)
    I am really enjoying the time we spend together, late nights and early mornings don't bother me a bit (sometimes your dad gets a little stressed but hes learning fast) I love it when I pick you up and your smile lights up your whole face! When its 3am and you wake up to be fed you fuss until I reach over your bassinet and then.. there's that amazing smile that lights up your face and brings such joy to my heart...Your such a great baby, I love you soo much and I am going to jump off this blog to hold you and kiss your sweet face!!!! I love you sweetheart!
    xx0x0x0x0x0x0 love mommy
    p.s I think one day your going to be a great equestrian because the only way you seem to be soothed now is if we bounce you rather fast! Like a horse in the trot! :) I already got you a saddle. :)

  2. Emmie Lou is the sweetest widdle baby girl in the whole entire world!!!
