First let me thank you for visiting my page. I write this blog for a few reasons:
- First, I want to have personal communication with my baby girl that she can have and keep for the rest of her life. I want her to know the emotions I feel as they happen. I don't want to have to rely on reminiscing 20 years down the road.
- Second, I want to share her biggest moments, life events and updated pictures with you, the reader.
- Lastly, I hope that you will help support me in saving for her college education.
If you enjoy the blog (which I hope you do) and ever shop at Amazon, I ask that you consider going to Amazon through my site. I receive a small commission based on sales that Amazon receives through traffic from my site. That being said, the primary intention of this blog is not to make money. I do not want to litter the sidebars with ads. If you're willing, you can click on any of the links within my blog posts or simply click the link below. That's all there is to it - just visit Amazon by clicking a link on my site and do whatever shopping you wish. All commissions earned will go into a college savings fund for Emmalyn. Thank you all, take care and God bless.
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