Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Your First Bath!


Mom and I gave you your first bath on Sunday.  It was so much fun!  Just like with most about everything, you were an angel.  Seriously, you really seemed to enjoy yourself and barely cried at all.  I don't think I've ever met or even heard of a baby as happy as you.  

The bath was so much fun and you were so cute!  There was also a totally hilarious moment and something I'm going to have to remember to embarrass you with when you're older.  The bath was all done and mom had wrapped you up in your cute little crab towel.  You and mom posed for a couple pictures and then you totally pooped in the towel.  It was a bit of a blowout, not going to lie.  I couldn't stop laughing.  That seems to be how you work though.  You must like to be naked because it seems like every time we change your diaper you poop again 5 minutes later!  For now it's funny and cute... keep it up much longer and we might have a problem :)  

Here's the pictures of the monumental event.  I love you baby girl.


So nice I had to show it twice

I love the look on your face... so sweet and just loving mommy

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Our Little Miracle

Emmalyn Grace Schuldt has finally arrived!

I don't know why baby girl, but 40 weeks apparently wasn't enough for you.  Mom and I thought you were going to come about 10 days ago.  We went to the hospital and everything.  Mom was having contractions 2-3 minutes apart for over 12 hours!  We walked tons of stairs and stayed overnight in the hospital but I guess you just weren't ready to grace us with your presence.

Your due date, August 21st came and went.  Mom went to the doctor on the 23rd and they asked if she wanted to be induced the next day.  She said yes, of course!  So, we went to the hospital and they started mom on the pitocin.  By noon she was at 5 cm and out you came just a few hours later!  Mom was so brave and did such a great job in delivery.  I did my best standing at her side.  I was there for her epidural and I held one of her legs while she pushed.

I've never experienced anything so surreal in my life.  One second mom was pushing and the next you were out and being tossed on her belly, umbilical cord and all as the nurse said, "hold your baby!".  In that instant, our lives were forever changed.  The baby that I had been hoping for and dreaming of my entire life was finally here.  God had answered my prayers when I asked every single day that you be healthy.  There you were, my little miracle.

1 Samuel 1: 27-28
I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him.  So now I give [her] to the Lord.  For [her] whole life [she] will be given over to the Lord.  

Psalm 127:3
Behold, children are a gift of the Lord;
The fruit of the womb is a reward

Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
And before you were born I consecrated you;
I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.

Amen.  We're so thankful.  And our lives are forever changed.

And isn't it funny; you look just like me.  We think you have my chin, my lips, my nose and definitely my cheeks (they're oh so squeezable).  Mom and I literally have not been able to take our eyes off you.

So let's see what you look like!

Emmalyn Grace Schuldt
Born: August 24, 2011, 4:40 pm
Length: 19.9 inches
Weight 7 lb 8.6 oz

To all our friends and family,

Thank you for your love and support throughout our pregnancy.  Thank you for your prayers that God would give us a healthy and happy baby girl.  If you're willing, I'd love for your all to submit a comment on this post to Emmalyn.  I'm going to print this blog one day for her as a gift and I'd love for her to see the love that we all have for her.  Share anything you like - your favorite Bible verses would also be greatly appreciated.  She's God's and we're giving her to Him from day one!


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

From the Moment I First Saw You

Emma Grace,

I'm counting down the days till I get to hold you for the very first time.  I'm so excited to finally meet my baby girl! Your birth is something I have been waiting for my entire life.  Let me share a little story...

When I was a kid, in grade school, my teacher asked us all to complete an assignment.  We had to write all about what we wanted to be when we grew up.  Most of my classmates wrote all about the things most kids dream of - being an astronaut, a professional basketball player, a doctor, etc.  My mom kept what I wrote and it went something like this...

I wrote that more than anything, I wanted to be a husband and a dad.  I didn't care about what my job would be because I knew my job at home would be so much more important.  I longed for a family.

God has blessed me with your mom, Michelle, and your brother, Austin, but our family won't be complete until you get here.  From the moment I found out mom was pregnant I was praying for a little girl and God answered my prayers.  This picture is the first of thousands I will have of you.

This blog is my gift to you.  In it, I hope to share myself with you.  I hope that in it, you'll see my love for you and our family and that it will be something you cherish and remember when you're a mom someday.  I can't wait to get things started but there's only one thing standing in the way.  You need to get here!  Until then, I'll be patiently but eagerly waiting.  Love always,
